
Cultural Component

What is the Purpose of the Cultural Component?

Raise awareness of the relationship between W̱SÁNEĆ people's and the KELŁOLEMEĆEN

Cultural Workshops at Goldstream

• Share W̱SÁNEĆ people's relationship to salmon, Southern Resident Killer Whale and the broader marine environment

• Work with our Southern Resident Killer Whale Committee on planning a yearly Salmon Ceremony at Goldstream

Cultural Workshops on Herring Harvesting

• Work w/ Southern Resident Killer Whale Committee & other knowledge holders to learn what kind of mythologies, where KELŁOLEMEĆEN used to harvest herring and possible demonstrations.

Work with ȽÁU, WELṈEW̱ Tribal School

• Create a story book about KELŁOLEMEĆEN to share with the students.

• Share stories about KELŁOLEMEĆEN

Keep Exploring!

Learn more about what we do to help the KELŁOLEMEĆEN.